Marion County, FL
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Thank you for your interest in becoming a member of our Continuum of Care (CoC). Membership is open to organizations including, but not limited to public agencies, private non-profit community-based organizations, and for-profit organizations that serve the geographic region of Marion County as well as individuals who may advocate for specific populations and businesses who serve.
To join, organizations must fall within one of the following relevant categories:
- Affordable Housing Developer
- Agencies Serving Survivors of Human Trafficking
- CDBG/HOME/ESG Entitlement Jurisdiction
- Disability Advocate
- Disability Service Organization
- Domestic Violence Advocates
- EMS/Crisis Response Team
- Homeless or Formerly Homeless
- Hospital
- Indian Tribes and Tribally Designated Housing Entities
- Law Enforcement
- Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender Advocate
- Local Government Staff/Officials
- Local Jail
- Mental Health Service Organization
- Mental Illness Advocate
- Organizations led by and serving Black, Brown, Indigenous and other people of color
- Organizations led by and serving LGBTQ+ persons
- Other homeless subpopulations advocates
- Other Victim Service Organization
- Public Housing Authorities
- School Administrators/Homeless Liaisons
- State Domestic Violence Coalition
- State Sexual Assault Coalition
- Street Outreach Teams
- Substance Abuse Advocates
- Substance Abuse Service Organization
- Victim Service Providers
- Youth Advocates
- Youth Homeless Organization
- Youth Service Provider
The first step for an organization interested in joining is to fill out a membership application, linked here.
Upon joining, organizations must also meet the following membership criteria:
- The organization must designate one chosen designee and one alternate (to vote in their absence). Active members are entitled to one vote per organization or business and one vote per advocate.
- Attendance will be taken at membership meetings, any member who misses 3 consecutive unexcused meetings will receive a letter warning of the violation of active membership. To ensure your absence is excused, an email can be sent to